
Style Focus

What if in just a short time you could be ready to re-emerge from the style doldrums of 2020 and meet people again face-to-face? There will be networking meetings, business conferences, Sunday brunches, and dinner out with friends. O my gosh! What will you wear?

In my Style Focus program—a live program you can participate in right from the comfort of your home—I’ll get you thinking about fresh, new ways of looking at what will work for you as you re-emerge this year. You’ll be re-inspired and will learn innovative ways to update your style because life has changed. We’ll look at what that means for 2021 and beyond.

During this life-affirming program, we’ll build on the foundation and premise that your body has a unique signature that is exclusively yours. The Style Focus program will show you how to support that unique signature and flavor your style with elements that effectively communicate who you are through what you wear.

During the 3-month program, we’ll get together on Zoom for these six seminars:


In seminar 1, we’ll put the focus on Your Body Shape and Proportion. Find joy in dressing even if your body is challenging to dress or you’ve reached an age that makes you sometimes feel that there’s no hope. (Yes, there is!) Did you know when the proportions in your clothing relate to your unique body proportions, your clothes will look like they were made just for you? And, you’ll come to understand your natural clothing silhouette.



In seminar 2, we’ll focus on Color exploration. We’ll also identify the best fabrics, textures and prints for the different bodies, coloring, and personalities of the women in the group. Most important will be an understanding of why they work for you or why they don’t. You’ll learn lots about these topics as you observe the other women in the program, too.



In seminar 3, the attention will be focused on how to dress to communicate your personality and your purpose through the style choices you can make. Learning more about your visual impression and how to modify it is important when you need to dress for various situations and outcomes. Did you know that you can choose and adjust different clothing styles to tell the world who you are and what your purpose is?



  In seminar 4, we’ll focus on accessories. Knowing how to choose your best accessories is important to a successful wardrobe. A day without accessories is like a night without stars. They’re a way to rejuvenate and update your wardrobe, multiply your wardrobe looks, and focus attention to the parts of your body you want to call attention to.  Did you know the right accessories can save you money, help you travel with less clothing, express your personality, and pull everything together into a lovely package?



In seminar 5, we’ll go to the closet and learn the 7 steps to success in the closet, and you’ll decide what should stay and what should go. Did you know that many women struggle with this issue…you’re not the only one? I’ll give you a rating system to help you get clear on what stays and what goes.



In seminar 6, we’ll focus on and develop a plan for wardrobe re-building and fine-tuning. We’ll spend time learning the strategies for shopping smart for the items you need…both in-store and online. If you want to update your wardrobe, you have to think about things like this. I’ll show you how to make your choices, and how to make your investments smart ones.



As a bonus, if you register before April 30, you’ll also receive my recent masterclass video, Step into Spring, which will clue you into the latest looks for 2021 Spring/Summer styles, accessories, and colors.

 If this sounds like just what you need (or maybe will give you a kick in the pants to get you going!), join me for Style Focus!

I’m very excited about what’s coming…

  • the excitement of what will be new for you

  • the excitement of a re-inspired and updated style for 2021 and beyond

  • the excitement of compliments that will come your way

When: Thursdays 4:30-6:30 p.m. PDT
May 13 & 27
June 10 & 24
July 15 & 29

Where & How:
Live on Zoom (you’ll get the recordings too)
Reminders and log-in information will be sent before each class.

These classes will be interactive and lots of fun!  I can’t wait, and I hope you’ll join me.


 What women have to say about Marion’s programs:

“Marion is truly a style expert and makes the whole experience not only fun, buy easy!  She helped me find the mistakes I was making in my closet in addition to providing solutions on building a wardrobe I love moving forward.  I also loved the group atmosphere as it was fun to learn from others and cheer each other along in our personal style journeys!” ~Lindsay, Social Media Expert

“The quality of Marion’s programs is excellent, informative and a great way to refresh your style. ~Joyce, Retired

 “After taking Marion’s program, I’m so excited to now have clothes that fit my body well and give me confidence in myself. My next step is to keep building my wardrobe, not just with clothes, but with clothes that make me feel special.” ~Julie, Medical Technologist